The AGM will be held on Sunday 5 November 2023 at 2.00pm in the clubhouse

The following notices have been sent out to members registered on the WebCollect system:

  • notice to hold the AGM and details of the Date and Time of the meeting
  • requests for nominations and/or expressions of interest for positions on the Council
  • request for proposals from members for consideration at the AGM
  • request for notice of proxy




The AGM will be held in the clubhouse.

Stage 1 – Advance Notices

Publish Notices described above by email to all members through the WebCollect system.  Posted on 5th October 2023.

Hon Sec. to receive nominations and proposals for discussion.  These shall be received by 15th October 2023.

Stage 2 – AGM Documentation (see below)

On this web page the Hon Sec. will publish the following for comment by members:

  • Publish the Agenda
  • Publish the minutes from last year’s AGM
  • Post list of nominations and member proposals
  • Publish Council Reports by:
  • Commodore
  • Membership Secretary
  • Treasurer

Any comments shall be sent to commodore@rvsc.co.uk by 31st Oct 2023.

Stage 3 – Member response

Council will consider member nominations and proposals received by 16th October at the Council meeting of the 16th October 2023 and modify the reports and proposals accordingly.  These will then be published on 18th October together with the agenda for the membership to comment on by 30th October.

Council will receive and consider member response to the published reports.

Final comments will be reviewed by Flag Officers on 31st October and The Hon Sec will re-publish amended reports and proposals for voting at AGM by 1 Nov 2023.

Stage 4 – AGM Meeting – held on 5th November 2023 at 2.00pm

The meeting will be held in the clubhouse.

Open meeting by Commodore

Commodore will review reports and votes required.  The reports will be presented personally by the relevant Officer

Commodore to summarise proposals and request votes.

Commodore will summarise and confirm voting results.

Close meeting


AGM Documents

Notice of AGM 2023 – Posted on Club Notice Board 2 Oct 2023

Agenda – view

Minutes of AGM 2022 – view

Commodore’s Report – view

Centre Principal’s Report – view

Membership Sec Report – view

Treasurer’s Report – view

  • Inc – Exp Report – view
  • Cost Centre Report – view
  • Formal Accounts – view

Council Proposals

  • Fee proposal – view
  • Budget proposals – view

Nominations for Flag Officers

Commodore – Nick Antrobus

Vice Commodore – David Hudson

Hon Secretary – Joan Forbes

Hon Treasurer – Louise Haworth

Nominations for Council – Bob Glowa, Eric Davies, Bryan Youlden, Thomas Nimmo, Mike Morgan, Mark Barrowcliffe, Stephen Booth

Close meeting