Windsurfing at RVSC
Windsurfing is a very popular activity at RVSC. The reservoir is open 12 months of the year and offers excellent wind conditions. Because of the exposed aspect at Clowbridge Reservoir it provides consistently the best wind in the surrounding area. Flat water and early planing boards make progression in the sport much easier.
Announcement: Windsurf Open October 2024
Equipment for Sale
RVSC has seen the progression of the sport of Windsufing from its inception in the late 80’s until the present date. The development of the equipment and the changes to sailing technique during that period have made the sport more accessible and easier to learn. Modern boards and sails enable high speed sailing in the lightest of winds.
The exposed aspect at Clowbridge provides for unobstructed high winds in most directions, “if there is wind anywhere it will be at Clowbridge”.
Parking for trailers and cars close to extensive rigging areas provides easy access to the res.